Macro Calculator ; Count Your Macros Like a Pro!
Find your macronutrient ratio for flexible dieting and “if it fits your macros.” Build a meal plan around your ideal ratio of proteins, carbs, and fats!
Calorie Calculator
You Must Intake The Following Daily
HOW DID WE CALCULATE YOUR CALORIES?’s macro calculator starts with the Mifflin St. Jeor equation, which is considered by our nutritionists and dieticians to be the “gold standard” of calorie calculators. Here’s how it works:
Calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR), or the calories your body burns simply by being alive.
For men: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) + 5 (kcal / day)
For women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) -161 (kcal / day)
Then, this BMR count is multiplied, depending on your activity level:
Sedentary = 1.2
Lightly active = 1.375
Moderately active = 1.550
Very active = 1.725
Extra active = 1.9
The calorie count is then adjusted based on your goal:
Weight loss: Reduce by 10-20%
Weight gain: Add 500 calories
Weight maintenance: Unchanged
This calorie count issplit into macronutrient percentages in the following ratios, based on splits commonly recommended by our nutrition experts for muscle gain, weight loss, and weight maintenance. (Yes, weight gain and maintenance are the
same ratio, but the calories and macros are different.)
Weight loss: 40/40/20 (carbohydrates/protein/fats)
Weight gain:
Weight maintenance: 40/30/30
These daily grams of each “macro” come from applying those percentages to your daily calorie number. Each gram of a macronutrient is “worth” this many calories:Protein: 4 calories
Carbs: 4 calories
Fats: 9 calories

check your daily calorie intake shop my training programs What happens to your body when you stop lifting weights? This is a common question a lot of folks are asking right now as the global pandemic has most people training in some limited capacity Key Points: Research shows that we tend to lose muscle very quickly with complete bed rest – mostly due to suppressed muscle protein synthesis. Doing any kind of physical activity will maintain muscle much better than doing nothing. You can prevent muscle loss through training (even minimal bodyweight workouts) and diet (eating at maintenance calories and consuming sufficient protein). Even if you lose size, muscle memory will rebuild lost mass quickly. Key Terms: Detraining: When you stop training and lose gains Training Volume: How much total work you’re doing in the gym. Usually approximated as the number of tough sets. I want to start with a real-life example of muscle loss. Matt H is a pro natural bodybuilder and client of world-renowned physique coach, Cliff Wilson. After being hospitalized with Crohn’s flare-up, Matt was forced to take a significant break from training. He went from 200 lbs on the left, all the way down to 166 lbs on the right, at about the same body fat. This means he lost just about 35 pounds of pure muscle! Breaking Down the Cause of Muscle Loss Before we dig into those questions, it’s important to first understand that muscle loss is a complex process – an ongoing tug of war between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown, where gradually, the muscle protein breakdown side starts to win. [Hey, quick interruption here. One thing I’m struggling with this blog is knowing how much detail to include compared to my YouTube videos. I know that I definitely want more detail — but how much is too much, you know? I guess I’ll just have to wait to get some feedback from you all on that. Anyway, if you’re in the mood for some mechanism and theory, just keep reading. If you’re only here for the applied info, scroll down to “How Long Does It Take To Lose Muscle?”] We can think of skeletal muscle as a big brick wall: muscle protein synthesis is the process of adding bricks to the wall, while muscle protein breakdown is the process of removing them. These two processes are always occurring, and regularly swap turns taking the lead as we alternate between a fed and a fasted state. When we’re in a fed state, we tend to be adding bricks to the wall (assuming we ate enough protein in that meal) and we tend to be removing bricks from the wall when we’re in a fasted state (~8 hours after the last meal was consumed).1 What really matters for muscle gain and muscle loss in the long term balance between these two opposing processes. This balance, which we’ll call net protein balance, determines whether we gain, lose, or maintain muscle mass. If muscle protein synthesis is greater than muscle protein breakdown for a sustained period of time, more bricks are added than removed, and the wall gets bigger. We call this, positive net protein balance. On the other hand, if muscle protein synthesis is less than muscle protein breakdown for a sustained period of time, more bricks are removed than added, and consequently, the wall gets smaller. We call this negative net protein balance. While we know that muscle protein breakdown must exceed muscle protein synthesis for us to lose muscle, there are actually several different ways this can occur: 1) muscle protein synthesis can decrease, 2) muscle protein breakdown can increase, or 3) some combination of these two processes can occur simultaneously. Because feeding itself impacts protein metabolism, in order to figure out which of these three scenarios occurs when we stop lifting, we need to consider the impact of detraining on protein metabolism in both the fed state and the fasted state. Let’s start with the fasted state. Gibson et al. (1987) was the first study to examine the effects of muscle disuse on muscle protein balance in the fasted state in humans.2 They had six men place one of their legs in a long-leg plaster cast and after five weeks, measured muscle protein synthesis and breakdown following a 12 hour overnight fast. They found that muscle protein synthesis had decreased by ~26% when compared to the non-immobilized leg, while muscle protein breakdown had remained unchanged. [Hey, another quick interruption. I hope you’re enjoying the blog so far. I’m enjoying writing it! I just wanted to say that I’m happy you decided to go the “mechanism and theory” route and didn’t just jump to the applied stuff. If you’re actually reading this, I’d love it if you sent me a DM on Instagram saying “purple monkey dishwasher” so I know people are actually reading this part. Thanks!] Since then, these same basic findings have been replicated many times in studies of prolonged muscle disuse (>10 days).3-6 What these studies find is that muscle protein breakdown will sometimes increase in the first two weeks, but then quickly return to baseline (i.e. to pre-disuse levels). Muscle protein synthesis, on the other hand, decreases in the early stages of disuse (somewhere in the first ~10 days) and then remains depressed.3 This implies that when we stop lifting, the majority of muscle loss in the fasted state is coming from “less bricks being added to the wall” rather than “more bricks being removed from the wall.” Of course, detraining could impact the wall differently, once we eat food. So let’s take a quick look at what the science says about muscle disuse in the fed state. Glover et al. (2008) was the first study to examine the effects of muscle disuse on muscle protein balance in a fed state.6 They had twelve young, healthy participants wear a knee brace for 14 days in order to immobilize one of their legs. After this period of time, they infused amino acids using IV at both high and low doses and measured the muscle protein synthetic response in both the immobilized

Sandesh deshmukh the venture from lean to fit is including for many.
check your daily calorie intake shop my training programs It is due to the roles played by the Macho Man as heroes in the Hindi films that the youth of the present generation are inspired and had developed a fad of keeping themselves fit and polishing their personality. Many such youths also move a step ahead towards bodybuilding while working out in the gym and they devote their entire life in strong bodybuilding and succeed in fulfilling their dreams. But a mechanical engineer named Sandesh Deshmukh, who hails from Pimpri Chinchwad city, adjacent to Pune is a bodybuilder with the difference. He has been developing his physic simultaneously while pursuing his mechanical engineering degree. This really requires hard work determination and commitment.This youth Icon Sandesh Deshmukh is a resident of Shahunagar locality in the Pimpri-Chinchwad town. His father, a worker and mother -homemaker, also has one younger brother in his family.Sandesh completed his schooling from the modern High School in the Nigdi region and got his B.E. Mechanical degree from Siddhant college of engineering. During this period, he pledged himself to give a Mechanical muscular lift to his body and march ahead to take bodybuilding as his career. From sports to bodybuildingIt was since childhood that Sandesh had a penchant for various sports. As cricket was his favourite, he played it in school as well as college and was known to be a player with high sportsmanship. He dreamt of becoming a cricketer of repute but during one match when he saw the transparency being killed and nepotism galore, he decided to eschew playing cricket and take a sport as a career that is transparent. This resulted in encouraging him towards building his body stronger in the period when he was concentrating only on personality and fitness. He started devoting more time to bodybuilding and came out with flying colours. Besides, he also started seeking valuable in-depth knowledge in the field of bodybuilding.Part time work for building the bodyThe financial situation of Sandesh Deshmukh’s family was very weak and his parents had many expectations from him as he was their elder son. On the other hand, Sandesh had no other goal than to make a career in bodybuilding. But unfortunately, his career had compelled him to spend around rupees 30 to 35 thousands for regular exercises and diet. As his family was not capable of coughing up the amount, he had to work as a delivery boy, bouncer and at some times as a gym trainer to raise money for meeting the expenses for his bodybuilding. On one hand, he was working hard in the gym and on the other, he was concentrating on the part-time job and developed the skill of balancing, the two. Family support after gold medalThis determined modern youth used to work hard for two hours in the morning and for an equal period in the evening but had to face the ire of his family members. ‘No turning back’ said Sandesh to himself. He made up his mind to go ahead with his new career and thus pave way for him to march towards success. Many of his friends helped him for making available the diet, necessary to build the body. He never has to face any shortage of diet during his exercise.It was in January 2020 that Sandesh won the Gold medal in a bodybuilding competition and was honored with Pune Shree. After this success, his father was also convinced that he and his family members should support Sandesh and they did so. In the same year, Sandesh also won the junior Maharashtra Shree bodybuilding competition at Kolhapur. The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) declared Sandesh as their Brand Ambassador for “Fit PCMC” drive. He is guiding the people who are health conscious by giving them online guidance. He is helped a lot by coach Vikram Bide, Jivan Landge and a friend Yash Gholave Ajinkya Barle. SHARE.FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedIn

Fitness expert Sandesh Deshmukh becomes brand ambassador of Fit PCMC Drive
check your daily calorie intake shop my training programs Bodybuilder Sandesh Deshmukh becomes the brand ambassador of the Fit PCMC Drive. Having earned a gold medal in bodybuilding, Sandesh was also awarded a ‘Pune Shree’ and ‘Maharashtra Shree’ title last year. Following his passion for bodybuilding, Sandesh never sidelined his studies. He gave his full attention to his engineering degree and graduated with a good percentile. Hailing from a small district in Maharashtra, for Sandesh, bodybuilding is his first love, and every time he showcases his skills, he makes sure to leave a lasting impression. Discussing his family foundation, he comes from a middle-class family as his dad is a worker and his mom is a homemaker. The expense of Sandesh’s preparation and diet food was around 30-35 thousand, and his folks couldn’t manage the cost of it. In any case, Sandesh didn’t abandon his dream. While contemplating and zeroing in on his actual objectives, he used to fill in as an errand boy, bouncer, and on certain occasions as a gym trainer. Before lifting weights, Sandesh additionally had a grave interest in cricket. While the interest exists, he doesn’t wish to make a vocation in it after seeing the imperfect framework. Yet, Sandesh isn’t among the individuals who will sit and grumble. He chose to follow his adoration for lifting weights and made a fruitful profession out of it. His folks, who were at first uneasy about how he will make a job out of it, are glad to see him arrive at the extraordinary statures. In January 2020, Sandesh Deshmukh won the Gold medal in a bodybuilding competition and was honored with ‘Pune Shree’ title. In the same year, the bodybuilder won another title of ‘Junior Maharashtra Shree’ bodybuilding competition at Kolhapur. The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) declared Sandesh as their Brand Ambassador for the “Fit PCMC” drive later on. Having established his foot in the realm, Sandesh Deshmukh is now striving to win the Mr. Asia competition one year from now. He knows that it will be testing. In any case, he is prepared to commit all his time and thoughtfulness regarding each preparation that is essential to be genuinely and intellectually fit for the opposition.

Mechanical engineer Sandesh Deshmukh choose his career in bodybuilding and marched from Pune Shree to the title Maharashtra Shree
check your daily calorie intake shop my training programs It is due to the roles played by the Macho Man as heroes in the Hindi films, that the youth of the present generation are inspired and had developed a fad of keeping themselves fit and polishing their personality. Many such youths also move a step ahead towards bodybuilding while working out in the gym and they devote their entire life in strong bodybuilding and succeed in fulfilling their dreams. But a mechanical engineer named Sandesh Deshmukh, who hails from Pimpri Chinchwad city, adjacent to Pune is a bodybuilder with the difference. He has been developing his physic simultaneously while pursuing his mechanical engineering degree. This really requires hard work determination and commitment. This youth Icon Sandesh Deshmukh is a resident of Shahunagar locality in the Pimpri-Chinchwad town. His father, a worker and mother -homemaker, also has one younger brother in his family.Sandesh completed his schooling from the modern High School in the Nigdi region and got his B.E. Mechanical degree from Siddhant college of engineering. During this period, he pledged himself to give a Mechanical muscular lift to his body and march ahead to take bodybuilding as his career. From sports to bodybuildingIt was since childhood that Sandesh had a penchant for various sports. As cricket was his favourite, he played it in school as well as college and was known to be a player with high sportsmanship. He dreamt of becoming a cricketer of repute but during one match when he saw the transparency being killed and nepotism galore, he decided to eschew playing cricket and take a sport as a career that is transparent. This resulted in encouraging him towards building his body stronger in the period when he was concentrating only on personality and fitness. He started devoting more time to bodybuilding and came out with flying colours. Besides, he also started seeking valuable in-depth knowledge in the field of bodybuilding. Part time work for building the bodyThe financial situation of Sandesh Deshmukh’s family was very weak and his parents had many expectations from him as he was their elder son. On the other hand, Sandesh had no other goal than to make a career in bodybuilding. But unfortunately, his career had compelled him to spend around rupees 30 to 35 thousands for regular exercises and diet. As his family was not capable of coughing up the amount, he had to work as a delivery boy, bouncer and at some times as a gym trainer to raise money for meeting the expenses for his bodybuilding. On one hand, he was working hard in the gym and on the other, he was concentrating on the part-time job and developed the skill of balancing, the two. Family support after gold medalThis determined modern youth used to work hard for two hours in the morning and for an equal period in the evening but had to face the ire of his family members. ‘No turning back’ said Sandesh to himself. He made up his mind to go ahead with his new career and thus pave way for him to march towards success. Many of his friends helped him for making available the diet, necessary to build the body. He never has to face any shortage of diet during his exercise. It was in January 2020 that Sandesh won the Gold medal in a bodybuilding competition and was honored with Pune Shree. After this success, his father was also convinced that he and his family members should support Sandesh and they did so. In the same year, Sandesh also won the junior Maharashtra Shree bodybuilding competition at Kolhapur. The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) declared Sandesh as their Brand Ambassador for “Fit PCMC” drive. He is guiding the people who are health conscious by giving them online guidance. He is helped a lot by coach Vikram Bide, Jivan Landge and a friend Yash Gholave Ajinkya Barle.Sandesh has a wish to win the Mr Asia competition that is going to be held in the year 2022. He had started preparation with an eye on this coveted title in the field of bodybuilding. Sandesh wants to give the Sandesh to the upcoming budding builders to be patient and well aware of the protein-rich diet, in addition to the all-inclusive diet. He says that this requires a lot of money and extreme hard work. He suggests the youth to be determined and fully devote themselves in order to achieve the goal.